Scroll down for all members and individual contact details !
Head of the Group
Prof. Dr. Roland Riek
HCI F225
Senior Scientist
Prof. Dr. Peter Güntert HCI F215
Lab Manager
Dr. Witold Kwiatkowski
HCI F230
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Tomás Fernandes
HCI F220
Dr. Felix Torres
HCI F217
Saroj Kumar Rout
HCI F 230
Doctoral Student
Gabriela Stadler
David Rhyner
HCI F228
Henry Wetton HCI F217
Dr. Jason Greenwald
Dr. Juan Atilio Gerez
Dr. Lukas Frey
Dr. Piotr Klukowski
Matthias Bütikofer
Olivia Gampp
Luca Wenchel
HCI F117
Riccardo Cadalbert
HCI F 222
Kristina Comiotto
HCI F223